15(29) a school

construction of a primary school and a sports hall
The construction of the new sports hall and of the primary section of the Athénée Royal Les Marlaires on the corner of the building that gives onto the playground and that currently houses the secondary and primary school clarifies the general organization of this landscape complex. Face to face, the two new volumetries leave room for a transverse playground.
Programme: classrooms, sport hall
Location : Gosselies, BE
Client: Ministère de la Communauté française, Administration générale des Infrastructures
Status: completed in 2023
Surfaces: 3,200 m²
Cost: 4,448,000 €
Team: A PRACTICE., architecture / NEY & PARTNERS WOW, stability / CENERGIE, thermal and fluid engineering / STUDIO OTAMENDI, signage / MAXIME DELVAUX, photographer